Business Agreements
At Robinson & Robinson, LLP, we assist clients in planning, negotiating, and documenting contracts for their business needs. Whether the agreement is for a routine transaction, or a unique event, the Firm’s broad experience helps us provide the input necessary to complete a successful transaction. The range of transactions it too broad to list all, and some examples follow.
Supply-Chain Agreements
Advise U.S. distributor of international manufacturer regarding supply chain agreements with Fortune 500 purchasers.
Represent borrower in obtaining secured loan, to finance working capital.
Represent business owner forming new company with co-investor; formed new corporation; documented secured loans to new corporation; prepared guarantees and shareholder agreement covering the company’s operations.
Sales Of Waste-Water Discharge Rights
Documented sales of environmentally sensitive right to discharge business waste-water into regional water treatment system; helped obtain the necessary agency board approvals.
Formation Of Corporation For Franchise Operator
Assisted business owner in creating new corporation to act as franchisee.